Hey! there. How are ya?! I'm Paul Miranda, a UX Designer. Nice to meet you.

Passionate about solving problems, identifying opportunities, and taking complex requirements into human-centered solutions that align user and business needs and technology.

Different shapes—circle, square, triangle, hexagon, rectangle, oval—with line illustration of design capabilities such as print, digital, illustration design.
Different shapes—circle, square, triangle, hexagon, rectangle, oval—with line illustration of design capabilities such as print, digital, illustration design.
Recent Projects

eFORMS is a document processing and management platform to transform form processing and management at Space Systems Command, US Space Force, by creating a streamlined, transparent, and secure digital tool that enhances efficiency and empowers users to submit, track, and manage forms and documents effortlessly.
Product Strategy/Product Design
Atlas Design System Pro

ADS Pro is an in-house design system developed at Space Systems Command (SSC), US Space Force, that delivers foundational building blocks for designing and developing value-driven tools with the experience tailored to Guardians. By creating consistency across digital products, ADS Pro makes tools more accessible and easier to use. This will empower product teams at SSC and USSF to deliver inclusive and seamless digital solutions that align with mission objectives and deliver value to Guardians.
Product Strategy/Product Design

The Atlas IT Services Orbit provides seamless, integrated IT service and support—in person and online—at Atlas, Space Systems Command, US Space Force. It delivers a cohesive IT service that supports end-to-end experience for the IT Support Team and customers and makes smart data-informed decisions on IT resources.
Research/Product Strategy

AtlasCMS is an integrated collaborative content management system (CMS) for publishing key content and communication—command, organization, and user-generated level— across multiple channels. In the ever-evolving landscape of internal communication and knowledge sharing, AtlasCMS delivers a tool that enables the targeted strategic distribution of content and empowers Guardians and teams of content creators, though-leaders, with the knowledge to share in today's information age.
Research/Product Strategy/Product Design
One Small Step

One Small Step is a non-profit platform. Our goal is to educate, challenge and empower people with resources to take small but achievable, impactful personal actions in helping take on some of the world’s biggest problems—climate/environment, poverty, and responsible, sustainable consumption.
Product Design //Read case study

ELEVATION's mission is to help people regain and maintain balance in the most critical facets of their lives—work, family, personal, and self-care.
Product Design // Read case study 
Hey! I'm Paul Miranda, and I am always looking for creative inspiration and exciting design opportunities. I love collaborating and working with creative minds and anyone looking to use design to solve problems, innovate, inform, inspire, grow, contribute, and make a difference and lasting impact through impactful experiences that provides value. 
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Let’s chat about human-centered design, art, ideas, and creative things. I’d love to hear from you and collaborate.
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